Housing Society - General Rules

A list of general rules in a Housing Society is a set of guidelines that residents must follow to ensure peaceful and harmonious living within the community. The rules may cover various aspects of society life, such as parking, noise levels, waste disposal, use of common areas, and behavior towards other residents. The purpose of these rules is to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for everyone living in the society and prevent any disturbance or conflict among residents.

Housing Society General Rules

The housing society general rules in Maharashtra are governed by the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act of 1960. Some of the key rules include the formation of a managing committee, the holding of regular meetings, the maintenance of proper accounts and records, and the imposition of penalties for non-compliance with rules and regulations. Additionally, societies must follow regulations related to elections, the transfer of shares and membership, and the collection of maintenance fees. The rules also outline procedures for the dissolution and liquidation of societies, as well as the resolution of disputes among members. Overall, these rules are designed to ensure transparency, accountability, and effective management of housing societies in Maharashtra.

Society General Rules (Format)

[Society Can Add/Less any rules resolved in the AGM and within the scope of Bye Laws and Act.] 

  1. Please keep your society clean. Please throw wastage in dustbin. Don’t spit tobacco, Pan, Gutka,
    etc. in staircase area and society common area. Smoking not allowed in society premises.
  2. Please co-operate with managing committee.
  3. Please send your complaint application through respective committee members only in writing.
  4. Please do not waste water. Water leakage inside flat shall be repaired on urgent basis.
  5. Close the water tap, gas & electric switches properly before leaving your flat or before going for
  6. If water tap kept opened or misused and observed, a penalty of Rs.500/- for 1st occurrence & 2nd
    occurrences, later subsequent occurrences penalty of Rs.1000/- will be charged accordingly, as decided by AGM.
  7. Outsiders are not allowed to park their vehicle in the society premises.
  8. Please do not make a noise to disturb the neighborhood. Keep volume slow of TV, Music system
    for your home only not for neighborhood.
  9. Please pay your dues in time in order to avoid penalty.
  10. Please obtain permission from the society for subletting your flat as prescribed in the Bylaws No 43.
  11. Please park your vehicles at the parking space allotted to you. If anyone wants to park your gusts
    vehicles contact the watchman and he will provide space if vacant otherwise park outside the society.
  12. Please ensure that no person is allowed to use society’s property, electricity and water without
    committee permission.
  13. Please take prior (15 days before) permission from the society for any functions, parties and gathering on terrace or inside the society premises. Any one violating the rule will be fined accordingly.
  14. Please take permission from the committee before doing any type of work like alternation, modification or renovation.
  15. No person are allowed or permitted to overrule the committee’s functions such as administration, finance & festival.
  16. Members who don’t have parking need to pay the parking charges as decided by committee and approved by AGM.
  17. Unauthorized persons and hawkers are not allowed in society premises.
  18. No Pets/Dogs are allowed to keep in society common area/Staircase Area. Please don’t encourage stray dogs/pets in the society premises.
  19. If the committee getting any complaint regarding wrong parking by anyone(who parked the vehicles in the wing entrance or passing way) then same flat owner will be fined by Rs.500.( as decided by AGM).
  20. Cricket and football like games are not allowed to play society premises (as decided by AGM).
  21. Children play time in premises is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (as decided by AGM).
  22. Damaged done by owner/tenant will be recovered by flat owners (as decided by AGM).
  23. Members are requested to follow the society rules, legal action shall be taken against who found
    violating the society rules.

Note: its sample only, society can make your own general rules which should not over rule Bye-Laws and Constitution of India and pass the rule in AGM after that implement the rules.

For more details visit:-  www.kclsocietyservices.online.

Is housing society general rules binding on tenant ?

As a general rule, housing society rules and regulations are binding on tenants who reside in the society. When a tenant enters into a rental agreement with a landlord who is a member of a housing society, they implicitly agree to comply with the society’s rules and regulations.

These rules are typically established by the housing society’s management committee to ensure that the community runs smoothly, and all residents can live together harmoniously. The rules may cover issues such as parking, noise levels, maintenance of common areas, waste disposal, and other aspects of community living.

Tenants are expected to adhere to these rules as long as they are living in the society. If a tenant violates any of the society’s rules, the society’s management committee may take appropriate action, which could include fines, penalties, or even legal action.

It is essential for tenants to review the society’s rules and regulations before moving in to ensure they are aware of their obligations as a resident of the community. If there are any questions or concerns about the rules, tenants can discuss them with their landlord or the society’s management committee.

Is housing society general rules binding on Outsiders?

Housing society rules and regulations are generally applicable to the residents of the society and not to outsiders. Outsiders, such as visitors or guests, are not bound by the society’s rules and regulations.

However, if an outsider’s behavior violates the society’s rules and regulations, the society may take action to address the issue. For example, if an outsider creates noise that disturbs the peace of the society, the management committee may ask the resident hosting the guest to address the issue or even ask the outsider to leave the society’s premises.

In some cases, the society’s rules may have specific provisions regarding the behavior of outsiders. For instance, the rules may require residents to register their guests with the society’s security personnel or obtain prior permission from the society for hosting parties or events.

It is advisable for residents to inform their guests of the society’s rules and regulations and request them to comply with them to avoid any inconvenience or conflict with the society’s management committee.

If society member not follow/Violates the housing society general rules, then what action will take management committee in Maharashtra ?

In Maharashtra, the management committee of a housing society is responsible for enforcing the society’s rules and regulations. If a member of the society violates the rules, the management committee may take appropriate action to address the issue.

The exact procedure for dealing with rule violations may vary depending on the society’s bylaws and the nature of the violation. However, in general, the following steps may be taken:

  1. Notice: The management committee may issue a notice to the member who has violated the rules, informing them of the violation and requesting them to rectify the issue within a specified period.

  2. Fine: If the member fails to rectify the violation within the given period, the management committee may impose a fine on the member as per the society’s bylaws.

  3. Suspension of Facilities: If the violation is severe or repeated, the management committee may suspend the member’s access to certain facilities provided by the society, such as the use of the clubhouse or the gym.

  4. Legal Action: In extreme cases, the management committee may initiate legal action against the member who has violated the rules. This could include filing a complaint with the police or taking the matter to court.

It is important to note that the management committee must follow due process and provide the member with a fair opportunity to respond to any allegations of rule violation before taking any punitive action. The process for taking disciplinary action must be clearly defined in the society’s bylaws, and the committee must follow the procedure laid out in the bylaws.

What is children playing rules in the housing society premises in the Maharashtra state?

The rules and regulations regarding children playing in the housing society premises in Maharashtra state may vary depending on the specific housing society and its bylaws. However, there are some general guidelines and laws that apply.

According to the Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measures Act, 2006, any housing society with more than seven floors must have a designated play area for children, which should be on the ground floor and away from any fire hazards. The act also requires the play area to be covered with a safety net or grill to prevent any accidents or falls.

In addition to these legal requirements, housing societies may have their own rules and regulations regarding children’s play in common areas. Some common rules include:

  1. Designated play areas: Many housing societies have designated play areas for children, which may include playgrounds, parks, or other recreational areas. Children are expected to play only in these designated areas and not in other common areas such as parking lots or walkways.

  2. Safety rules: Housing societies may have rules regarding the use of playground equipment, such as slides and swings, to ensure children’s safety. These rules may include guidelines on age-appropriate equipment and the use of safety gear such as helmets and knee pads.

  3. Noise restrictions: Housing societies may have rules regarding noise levels in common areas, including play areas. Children may be asked to keep noise levels down, especially during early morning or late evening hours.

  4. Supervision: Parents or guardians may be required to supervise their children while they are playing in common areas. This ensures that children are safe and not causing any disturbance to other residents.

It is important to check with your housing society’s bylaws or management committee for specific rules and regulations regarding children’s play in common areas.

Who has the authority to make general rules in a housing society in Maharashtra?

In Maharashtra, the authority to make general rules in a housing society lies with the “Managing Committee” of the society. The managing committee is responsible for managing the affairs of the society and has the power to make rules and regulations for the smooth functioning of the society.

The Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960 provides the legal framework for the functioning of cooperative housing societies in the state. As per the act, the managing committee of a society has the power to make and implement bylaws, rules, and regulations for the society. These rules may include provisions related to the use of common areas, maintenance and repair of the society’s property, security arrangements, and other matters concerning the welfare of the society and its members.

However, the rules and regulations made by the managing committee must not be in conflict with the provisions of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960, or any other laws and regulations applicable to cooperative housing societies in Maharashtra.