Housing Society Managing Committee Election

if More than 250 Members (A-D)

Co-operative housing society election rules and process in Maharashtra State

In Maharashtra state, the election rules and process for Co-operative housing societies are governed by the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 and the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules, 1961. Here are the steps involved in the election process:

  1. Notice of Election: The society’s committee must give a notice of the election at least 30 days before the election date. The notice must include the date, time, and place of the election, the nomination process, and the eligibility criteria for candidates.

  2. Eligibility Criteria: A member of the society who is not in arrears of any dues and has not been disqualified under any provisions of the Act can be eligible to contest for the election.

  3. Nomination Process: Any member of the society can nominate themselves or another eligible member by giving a notice in writing to the election officer at least 14 days before the date of the election. The nomination must be seconded by another member of the society.

  4. Scrutiny of Nominations: The election officer must scrutinize the nominations within two days of the last day of nominations. If any nomination is found to be invalid, the candidate will be informed and given a chance to rectify the nomination within one day.

  5. Withdrawal of Nominations: A candidate can withdraw their nomination by giving notice in writing to the election officer at least seven days before the date of the election.

  6. Preparation of the List of Candidates: The election officer must prepare a list of valid candidates within three days of the last day of withdrawals.

  7. Campaigning: Candidates can campaign for the election only after the list of valid candidates is prepared. The committee must provide equal opportunity to all candidates to campaign.

  8. Voting: Voting must be conducted on the date and time specified in the notice of election. Voting can be done either by show of hands or by secret ballot. The election officer must ensure that the voting process is conducted fairly and without any malpractices.

  9. Counting of Votes: The votes must be counted immediately after the close of polling. The election officer must declare the results of the election on the same day.

  10. Filing of Complaints: Any member can file a complaint regarding the conduct of the election within three days of the declaration of results. The complaint must be in writing and addressed to the election officer.

  11. Disputes: Any disputes arising out of the election must be referred to the Registrar of Co-operative Societies within 15 days of the declaration of results.

  12. Handing Over of Charge: The newly elected committee must take charge of the affairs of the society within seven days of the declaration of results.

These are the general election rules and process for Co-operative housing societies in Maharashtra state. It is important to note that the specific details may vary depending on the size and type of the society.


How many members are there in a society committee?

Number of members in a SocietyGeneralReserved (Women)Reserved  (OBC)Reserved (SC/ST Reserved (VJ/NT/SBC)TotalQuorum for Meeting (simple majority of the existing Committee Members)
Upto 10062111116
101 to 20082111137
201 to 300102111158
301 to 500122111179
501 and above1421111910

Housing societies are an essential aspect of modern living. They provide a sense of community and offer a range of facilities and amenities for residents to enjoy. However, to ensure that a housing society functions smoothly, it is important to have a well-organized management committee in place. One of the key aspects of the management committee is the nomination process. hear we will discuss the importance of housing society nominations and how to nominate members for the committee.

Frequently Asked Questions ?

Why are Housing Society Nominations Important?

Housing society nominations are an integral part of the democratic process that governs the management of the society. The nomination process is designed to ensure that capable and responsible members are elected to the management committee. A well-functioning committee can make a significant difference in the running of a housing society, from resolving conflicts to managing finances to organizing events and activities. Therefore, it is crucial to have competent and committed individuals in the committee.

The nomination process also provides an opportunity for residents to participate in the management of the society. It is a chance for them to voice their opinions, nominate members they feel are best suited for the role, and have a say in the direction of the society.

How to Nominate Members for the Housing Society Committee ?

The nomination process typically begins with a notice announcing the election of the management committee. The notice should include the date and time of the election, as well as the eligibility criteria for nominees.

To nominate a member, residents must fill out a nomination form and submit it to the designated authority within the given timeframe. The nomination form should include the nominee’s name, address, and contact details, as well as the names and signatures of at least one proposer and one seconder.

Once the nominations are received, the authorities will scrutinize them to ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria. After that, the names of the nominees will be displayed on the notice board, and residents will have the opportunity to withdraw or add names to the list.

Finally, on the day of the election, the residents will vote for the nominees they feel are best suited for the role. The counting of votes will be conducted in the presence of the residents, and the candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected to the management committee.

In conclusion, the nomination process is a vital part of the functioning of a housing society. It provides an opportunity for residents to participate in the management of the society and ensures that competent and committed individuals are elected to the committee. Therefore, it is important for all residents to be aware of the nomination process and to exercise their right to vote. By doing so, they can contribute to the smooth running of the society and ensure a better living experience for everyone.

Can proxy allowed to vote in Housing Society Management Committee Election in Maharashtra state?

Yes, proxy voting is allowed in housing society elections in Maharashtra state, as per the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960. A member of a cooperative housing society may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf at a general meeting, including during the election of office bearers of the society.

However, there are certain rules and regulations that must be followed for the appointment of proxies, such as the maximum number of proxies that can be appointed by a single member, the procedure for appointing a proxy, and the documents required for the appointment. These rules may vary depending on the specific bylaws of the housing society.

When can a committee member be removed?

who has the power to remove committee member?

The court noted that the Registrar has the power to remove a member of the committee if the acts of the member are prejudicial to the interest of the society or if the committee or its members are negligent in performing duties.

Who has more power in housing society?

The Chairman of the Society shall have the power of overall superintendence, control and guidance in respect of management of the affairs of the Society within the frame-work of the MCS Act 1960. Rule 1961 and the Bye-laws of the Society. Chairman’s power of overall superintendence. 

Voting rights of members of housing society?

According to a recent amendment, any eligible or associate member is to be granted the right to vote as soon as he/she is admitted as a member of the society.

How many votes a member has in a cooperative Housing society?

Each unit of a housing society has a vote. For example, if you own multiple flats/houses in a society, each of them is liable to get a vote.

No member, no representative or no delegate of a society shall have more than one vote in the general meeting or in the election of the members of the Board of a co-operative society.

Is a member in default of payment allowed to vote?

Yes even member in default of payment allowed to vote

The Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Rule 1961

 Chapter VA – Election to Notified Societies, Etc.

Rule No 56A to 56A-35

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